This page contains big-ish projects, hackathon projects, small-ish projects and miscellaneous projects that I’ve worked on.

Big-ish Projects


I worked on making my own (private) cryptocurrency in under a week called IceCereum. The docs, code and wallet can be found at the link.


Early 2019, our college got a supercomputer. Desperate to try it out, I deployed a Generative Adversial Network to generate Psychedelic Images. I couldn’t find a decent enough dataset, so I had to make a program (bot) to download data from a particular data from a Subreddit. I was able to get 881 pictures from r/PsychedelicArt (not enough -_-) and after loading a basic GAN Template from PyTorch, I was able to train a GAN that made this in 22 hours after 150 Epochs:

This is the final image (150th Epoch)

This is a GIF of the progress

This may not look like much, but it’s really amazing that a computer was able to learn the patterns involved and make this from information supplied by only 881 images.


A Bot made to collect data from Reddit for Data Analysis later. The collected data can be found here.


The Data Mining/Analysis program made for the data collected by Bot_REGOD-new.
Linear Regression for r/pics
Polynomial Regression for r/pics 3
Polynomial Regression for r/pics 8 This one looks the best
Polynomial Regression for r/pics 20

ICSH - IceCereal Shell

A Shell completely written by me as a part of my Operating Systems Lab Course. The same repository linked also has a simulation for Page Tables and a Translation Lookaside Buffer. I wrote over 5,000 lines of C this semester. 10/10 would do again. 👌👌👌.


A Text Based Game Engine written in Java for my final Object Oriented Programming project. I put a lot of work in it and I think I finished only 40-45% of it. A Text Based Game Engine is harrrddd work. I did this in a week and a half. :Proud: because I got a 20/20.


A Design and Analysis of Algorithms final project to balance the loads on gateways of a Wireless Sensor Netowrk using evolutionary and genetic algorithms. I accidentally wiped out my OS before I could push the last major commits to Github and only a part of it exists on Github. I decided to nuke the repository because of this. I got a 10 on a 10, for what it’s worth.

de-Ranugen (Distributed Entropy Random Number Generator)

de-Ranugen is my Semester 7 Internet of Things Final Project submission - an application that attempts to source entropy from the sensors of a significant amount of mobile devices. This entropy is sent to the cloud which performs various mathematical operations in order to generate random numbers.


A Discord Bot made using It is meant for a Discord Server where moderation is required. It is an open source project where the members of the Computer Science Club are the contributors.


A more worked on Discord Bot that has been used for over a year on MECCraft’s (MEC’s Minecraft Server) Discord Server. Used for getting user stats, random image spams, server stats, admin checks and quoting technoblade. It has been abused, overused and accused multiple times.

The Game of Life

Conway’s Game of Life written in Python I planned to add intelligence to the blobs and see how they work. But, I got pretty lazy to finish it. For now, you can see gifs in the readme section of the python directory in the link.

Hackathon Projects

Team Rasp’s Project Joopiter

The winning submission for the Smart India Hackathon. More information can be found on the ~/achievements page.

Automatic Video Editor

The second place winning submission for the ESummit Start-Up Sprint Hackathon. More information can be found on the ~/achievements page.

Dell EMC Hackathon: AI-Enabled Cart Conversion

This is a submission for a 24-Hour Hackathon conducted by Dell EMC at my college on 2019-Oct-21. The problem: AI-Enabled Cart Conversion. When a customer adds a product to a cart on an E-Commerce website, there is a probability that they would remove (abandon) it. Thus, a way needed to be figured out to minimize this abandoment by converting it to a success by using some sort of AI. We made a compeletely working website that picked up live data, sent it to a backend that figured out the abandonment rate and had a recommender system that recommended the right product in the event of a high abandonment. The video made by us is here: Team Singularity AI-Enabled-Cart-Conversion


The winning submission for the Brave Browser Hackathon. Harmonize is a blockchain based music sharing and selling platform. Three of us built this in our first year and we won first place.

Product Analysis

A program developed for a Hackathon to perform sentiment analysis of a word (a product, e.g. Tesla Model 3) on Reddit and Twitter. It was a decent proof-of-concept and we planned to take it forward, until we got really lazy.


A Recommender-System made for a HackWeek conducted in my college. A user gives the books name as an input and the Recommender outputs a Movie based on the cosine similarity between the summaries of the Book and the Movie. It’s not super accurate as there are a lot of stop words that need to be removed and filters that need to be added. However, I don’t think I’ll work on it because I don’t have the time to.


I know, a very original name. This was a game I made with some 1st years for a Hackweek conducted by Enigma. I wrote all of it from scratch in PyGame. You feed it an image (any image) and it converts it to a map. You can play your game on this pixelated map and your objective is to find keys. The last updated version on my laptop seems to have been deleted and the repository is ~8 commits behind. I don’t know if I will ever update it so that the repo’s current code isn’t buggy because … life. But, yeh -_-

Small-ish Projects


A interactive GUI made using PyGame to help Dr. Sunny’s Research Project on NLP. Around 20 students were given this GUI as well as sources to read from. Using Wordnet’s API, we get synonyms of the displayed word and the annotaters select words that have similar meanings.


One of the first bots I developed. This bot was developed to fetch a meme from 4 defined subreddits and download the meme using wget. This program was called by my more, ambitious SuperUserBot_V2. It also makes sure that the meme has not been downloaded before.


This is the second version of my first Discord Bot. It was a very detailed project that could have commands meant for admins, conduct polls and make memes. The make memes project is detailed below.

PrintOnImages / Make Memes

<- This link points to the meme maker. A meme made by the program
In the same repository, on a different branch, I made this program to read a list of names and print names on a certificate (Image). I used this program to make certificates for a Hackathon where we had 170ish participants.


A SubProgram of PrintOnImages to convert a paragraph into a group of lines. I know this is quite primitive, but when I wrote it, it felt hard.


Back when I was studying for a week or two for my final’s, I used to listen to Lofi Radio a lot. I made a mini program to launch a webpage with a YouTube embed of a LofiRadio whenever the computer is unlocked. This would be a bit beneficial as I wouldn’t get distracted by recommendations. This is made using Batch (Bash for Windows)

A Couple of Websites

I’ve worked on: (the link’s dead), the sports fest of my college., the official techno-cultural fest of my college. (This website has been updated, the original code is here)

There are a few more, but I’m too lazy to find/remember them and link them all.

Miscellaneous Projects

A drone

I helped my friends out with their Environmental Science Project by helping them with the code of their drone.

Games I made in 12th grade

I made a couple of games using graphics.h (TurboC++ specific) in my 12th grade. I recently found them in attachments of old emails dating to ~2015, ~2016 and I’m writing the shit code I wrote back then on a separate page (plus adding a few screenshots). Viewer discretion advised. The games: