Okay, so this wasn’t on my To-Do List but I really wanted to do this for a looong time… so I did it 5 minutes ago. A couple of days ago, I bought a Raspberry Pi 4 (1Gb RAM) and decided to set up a PiHole. Pi-hole is a Linux network-level advertisement and Internet tracker blocking application which acts as a DNS sinkhole, intended for use on a private network. is what Wikipedia says and that’s better than whatever I could have said. In very simple terms it’s a program on an Raspberry Pi that filters the internet data for ads and trackers going through your router. It’s easier understood on their website rather than me tryna explain it here.

But, yeh. I’m glad that open source software exists and this entire gig cost me less than INR 3,200 [3,100 for the Pi, 100 for the LAN Cable]. I’ll support PiHole by donating some money to it one day and that’s a promise.