Okay, so I’ve been putting this off for a very long time, but it’s time I do it. I have the time, I’m bored, I’m alone in the library with no one to distract me, I have a hot cup of coffee, and I have good music playing on my headphones. I want this blog to be a place where I can jot down my ideas, make a To-Do list, and track my progress in discrete intervals of time. There’s probably only two people who will ever check this continually: me and myself from my phone. But that’s okay! That’s because this is a place for me. A place that aims to make me feel guilty about not completing the things I promise to complete (recall To-Do list).

        Anyway, my To-Do list for this Winter:

  1. Maintain this website. Jot down my thoughts and unlazy myself occasionally to update this hunk of junk.
  2. Work on a research project with a Professor. (This is underway, I just need to follow through).
  3. Finish making the TEDx 2020 website. Make it look dashing.
  4. Reimplement the IRC Protocol. I’m working with 3 others and we’re trying to reimplement the IRC Protocol (RFC 1459) using GoLang and ncurses (for a CLI). I don’t know how far we can go, but it’s something I really want to set up a basic frame for.
  5. Finish the remaining work on TagThisBot (I’ll update ~/projects once this is done). It’s almost done, and I really want to finish it.
  6. Make this: Music Reactive Desk Lamp. I’ve ordered all the components and they’ll be arriving next week. I’ll hopefully be taking pictures and make a post here.

        This seems like a lot of work, but I feel like I could accomplish a few of these things if I structure my week well.

        Now onto the furnace of my brain. I’ve been playing a lot of Minecraft recently. It’s super addicting. I’ve built my world so well. I made a villager farm, a iron golem farm and made it look really nice. But then everything became hell when I poured some lava on an iron golem to get some iron. And then my entire village …. burnt down. 5 hours. 5 hours of hardwork. All lost in 2 minutes. So yeah, I’ve given up playing Minecraft now.

        I’ve started watching Fate Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works. It has the best artwork I’ve ever seen in an anime. Watch this AMV in 720p to get an idea of how amazing this anime’s art is:

        I’m hooked.

        These are the songs that have been on repeat for the past month or so:

  1. Crumb - Locket
  2. Verzache - I Don’t Wanna Be Nothin’
  3. Glass Animals - Youth