5 of my friends and I have a pretty cool idea for an app. We’ve been discussing it non-stop for the past 4-5 days and trying to decide what our app should be. It all started from a simple and primitive idea and it evolved to a pretty decent stage now. I’m not going to discuss the app idea here because it’s in its primitive stage (and what if my 1 reader (including me) steals the idea?).

We’ve decided to split the work into the server and the app. The app is further split into the front-end and two back-ends. One is the back-end connected to the front-end the other is the back-end connected to the server. Since we’re in the primitive stage, the roles haven’t been decided other than who’s working on the app and who’s working on the server. For now, I’m working on a bit of integration in the app itself and am primarily trying to figure that out.

We initially tried to use Flutter, but then we couldn’t find libraries sophisticated enough to satistfy our needs, i.e. they exist only for Android Studio at the moment. One of our professors also says that they’ve experienced a difficult time with Cross-Platform Dev tools like React in the past. So we decided to shift to Android Studio for now (sorry rich iOS users).

I attempted to learn Android Studio in my 11th and 12th grade, but I never understood it. However, now that I understand how stuff works in general, I feel like I’ve understood a lot of Android Studio and the Android OS in general over the past few days.

If our app ever makes it to the play store, all my 1 readers (including me) will be happy to know that I’ll link it here.